Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 3 - Traffic Signs

Traffic signs have become so standard in our lives that we fail to recognize them as an innovative system integral to public safety. They are used to regulate traffic and allow for thousands of vehicles to circulate in an orderly fashion through the same roads at the same time. This set of rules makes travel safe for automobiles and pedestrians alike.

When you really think about how automobiles are used, you realize that they are part of a larger system which allows them to exist. The system is made up of rules that must be followed by drivers in order for it to work effectively. These rules are represented by stop signs, speed limits, warning signs, traffic lights, etc. Traffic signs have been standardized through shapes and colors that make them easily recognizable, i.e. stop signs are octagonal and red. Without them, the system would not work.

This reminds me of the issue we discussed in class about traffic control. We are governed by these rules that allow us to feel safe when driving down the road because we trust that others will respect them, which brings me back to the issue of public safety. Traffic signs make it possible for automobiles and pedestrians to circulate in the same space basically without killing each other.         

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